Zolotye Kupola

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Zolotye Kupola
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular, wispy
Fruit color yellow
Fruit shape heart
Fruit size medium
Fruit type slicer, canner
Variety type commercial, open-pollinated
Country Russia
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Zolotye Kupola - sliced fruit. 2009-08-05.


Indet. but compact plant with regular leaf wispy foliage that is typical for Eastern-European heart-shaped tomato varieties. Produces lots of large flowers. Yellow heart-shaped fruit, often with some pinkish streaks inside, 8-20 oz, some fruits can be up to 2+ lbs, very good to excellent flavor, few seeds. It was one of the first large-fruited varieties to set fruit in June 2009.

Seed source:

Tamara Yaschenko of Biysk, Siberia, Russia 06

Year grown: 2008, 2009

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


85 days, indet., regular leaf plant with a good yield of 12-16 oz gold fruit with good flavor.

Seed source:

Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus (BELR BA A)

Year grown:

Location: Oblong, Illinois


very meaty tomato, not much fruits at the plant, good taste

Seed source:

Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T)

Year grown: 2009

Location: Quitzdorf am See, Germany


  • Russian commercial variety.
  • First offered in the Seed Savers 2006 Yearbook by Neil Lockhart of Oblong, Illinois (IL LO N),who received the seeds from Andrey Baranovski, Minsk, Belarus.
  • Introduced commercially in North America by Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds in 2009.


Russian name: Золотые купола

The name means 'Golden Domes' in Russian. The name refers to the domes of the Russian Orthodox church (Cathedrals). Click here to see a picture of a Russian Cathedral. Obviously, the name was given to this cultivar because the fruit shape resembles a cathedral dome.

Description in Russian

  • Среднеспелый, высокорослый сорт сибирской селекции. Высота до 1,5 м. Плоды округло-сердцевидной формы, оранжево-желтой окраски, мясистые, вкусные, массой до 800 г. Великолепны в салатах и зимних заготовках.

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2014 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds - sold out for 2014 . .
2013 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds
Double Helix Farms
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2012 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds
Double Helix Farms as Golden Dome
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2011 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds 2 0
2010 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds 2 .
2009 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds 2 .
2008 0 .
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Facts about Zolotye KupolaRDF feed
CountryRussia +
DescriptionIndet. but compact plant with regular leaf Indet. but compact plant with regular leaf wispy foliage that is typical for Eastern-European heart-shaped tomato varieties. Produces lots of large flowers. Yellow heart-shaped fruit, often with some pinkish streaks inside, 8-20 oz, some fruits can be up to 2+ lbs, very good to excellent flavor, few seeds. It was one of the first large-fruited varieties to set fruit in June 2009. uited varieties to set fruit in June 2009.
Description in RussianСреднеспелый, высокорослый сорт сибирской селекции. Высота до 1,5 м. Плоды округло-сердцевидной формы, оранжево-желтой окраски, мясистые, вкусные, массой до 800 г. Великолепны в салатах и зимних заготовках.
Fruit coloryellow +
Fruit shapeheart +
Fruit sizemedium +
Fruit typeslicer + and canner +
Growth habitindet. +
History* Russian commercial variety.
  • First offe * Russian commercial variety.
  • First offered in the Seed Savers 2006 Yearbook by Neil Lockhart of Oblong, Illinois (IL LO N),who received the seeds from Andrey Baranovski, Minsk, Belarus.
  • Introduced commercially in North America by Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds in 2009. tiana's TOMATObase Seeds]] in 2009.
Leafregular + and wispy +
Maturitymidseason +
Member codeB.C KO T +, IL LO N + and GERM SC K +
RelatedZolotye Kupola Red +
Russian nameЗолотые купола +
Seed sourceTamara Yaschenko of Biysk, Siberia, Russia 06
TranslationThe name means 'Golden Domes' in Russian. The name means 'Golden Domes' in Russian. The name refers to the domes of the Russian Orthodox church (Cathedrals). Click here to see a picture of a Russian Cathedral. Obviously, the name was given to this cultivar because the fruit shape resembles a cathedral dome. he fruit shape resembles a cathedral dome.
Variety typecommercial + and open-pollinated +
VendorTatiana's TOMATObase Seeds + and Double Helix Farms +
Year grown2008 + and 2009 +
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