Dikaya Roza

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Dikaya Roza
Maturity late
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color pink
Fruit shape beefsteak
Fruit size large
Fruit type slicer
Variety type open-pollinated, commercial
Country Moldova
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Dikaya Roza - sliced fruit. 2015-08-18.


Mid to late season, indet., regular leaf plant with high yield of huge beautiful pink beefsteak fruit, 12-36 oz. Absolutely delicious! (15 seeds / packet)

Seed source:

Patty Brown, Ohio 06 / her Russian friend, Tatyana

Year grown: 2006, 2015

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


85 days, indet., regular leaf plant with a high yield of 8-16 oz pink beefsteak fruit, very good flavor. Listed as Wild Rose.

Seed source:

Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus (BELR BA A) 04

Year grown:

Location: Oblong, Illinois


70 days, compact indet., regular leaf plants, good production of 6-12 oz dark rose-pink beefsteaks, good to very good flavor. Listed at SSE as Wild Rose.

Seed source:

Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus (BELR BA A) 06

Year grown: 2007

Location: Bastrop, Texas


  • Moldovan variety, developed by Pridnestrovian Agric. Res. Institute.

Russian name: Дикая Роза

The name can be translated as "Wild Rose", and this is the name that this variety was first introduced with in the 2006 SSE Yearbook.

Description in Russian

  • Среднеспелый, высокорослый сорт. Плоды плоскоокруглые, розовые, до 1 кг, очень вкусные, хороши для салатов.

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2009 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds 4 + 5 (as Wild Rose) .
2008 4 + 5 (as Wild Rose) .
2007 1 + 4 (as Wild Rose) .

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You can buy Dikaya Roza seeds at Tatiana's TOMATObase Seed Shop.

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Facts about Dikaya RozaRDF feed
Also known asWild Rose +
CountryMoldova +
DescriptionMid to late season, indet., regular leaf plant with high yield of huge beautiful pink beefsteak fruit, 12-36 oz. Absolutely delicious! (15 seeds / packet)
Description in RussianСреднеспелый, высокорослый сорт. Плоды плоскоокруглые, розовые, до 1 кг, очень вкусные, хороши для салатов.
Fruit colorpink +
Fruit shapebeefsteak +
Fruit sizelarge +
Fruit typeslicer +
Growth habitindet. +
History*Moldovan variety, developed by Pridnestrovian Agric. Res. Institute.
Leafregular +
Maturitylate +
Member codeB.C KO T +, IL LO N + and TX AN S +
Russian nameДикая Роза +
Seed sourcePatty Brown, Ohio 06 / her Russian friend, Tatyana
TranslationThe name can be translated as "Wild Rose", and this is the name that this variety was first introduced with in the 2006 SSE Yearbook.
Variety typeopen-pollinated + and commercial +
VendorTatiana's TOMATObase Seeds +, Delectation of Tomatoes + and Double Helix Farms +
Year grown2006 + and 2015 +
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