Sungold X Mom's

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Sungold X Mom's
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color orange, red, pink, golden
Fruit shape round
Fruit size cherry
Fruit type cherry
Variety type


This is a F2 generation, which segregated out at 1 orange cherry, 1 pink cherry and 2 red cherries (out of 4 plants). (go to the discussion tab for more growout information)
  • Taste results (September 2008)
    • Plant 1: gold, mellow, not as juicy as the others; on the sweet side - earliest of the four plants.
    • Plant 2: pink, very nice, on the sweet side, juicy, smooth, worth growing again.
    • Plant 3: red, my least favourtie - little flavour, skins somewhat tough - latest of all.
    • Plant 4: red, another nice one - more on the acid side, juicy, nice depth, skins a bit tough.
David Lemasters, Pennsylvania 08

Year: 2008

Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada


indet., regular leaf relatively compact plants that shows slight variations. I grew 4 plants in 2009, along with F3 generation that I received from Denise Salmon.
F2 generation 
Grown in 2009. 4 plants, 3 out of which produced red large cherries, and one plant produced golden peach-colored, slightly flattened large cherries. Fruits from all the plants had very good to excellent flavor, sweet and tangy, and the peach-colored cherries had the best flavor, intense tangy with sweet undertone. See Sunny.
F3 generation, GOLD (B.C SA D 09, plant 1) 
see Sungold X Mom's F3 Gold Cherry
F3 generation, PINK (B.C SA D 09, plant 2) 
see Sungold X Mom's F3 Pink Cherry
F3 generation, RED (B.C SA D 09, plant 4) 
see Sungold X Mom's F3 Red Cherry

Seed source:

F2 seed: David Lemasters, Pennsylvania 08
F3 seed: Denise Salmon, Vancouver, Canada (B.C SA D)

Year grown: 2009

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


  • An intentional cross of Sungold F1 and Mom's by David Lieven of Belgium. According to David, the original F1 cross had oblate yellow fruits with pink blossom end, one plant had fruits of 100 g, the other of 50 g. It was "yummy, sweet, prolific." [1]
  • Seeds distributed by David Lemasters of Pennsylvania in his 'surprise gift packages' sent to several Tomatoville and GardenWeb members in the spring of 2008.
  • Gary (Tormato) at Tomatoville grew Sungold X Mom's F1 in 2007, which produced 1 1/4" cherries, the color of SunGold F1.


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Facts about Sungold X Mom'sRDF feed
Fruit colororange +, red +, pink + and golden +
Fruit shaperound +
Fruit sizecherry +
Fruit typecherry +
Growth habitindet. +
Leafregular +
Maturitymidseason +
MemberB.C SA D + and B.C KO T +
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