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Country Canada, Russia  +
Description Very compact determinate plants with very good yield of red fruits, 1-2 oz. So juicy! Very good balanced flavor. Early maturity. Extremely prolific.
Description in Russian "Скороспелый (100—105 дней) низкорослый со "Скороспелый (100—105 дней) низкорослый сорт, предназначенный для выращивания в открытом грунте или пленочных тоннелях. Отличительная особенность — стопроцентная завязываемость плодов в неблагоприятных условиях (резких перепадах дневных и ночных температур и высокой влажности). Плоды массой 80—90 г, преимущественно салатного назначения. Густота посадки 3,0—3,5 раст./м2. Урожайность 3 кг/раст." 3,0—3,5 раст./м2. Урожайность 3 кг/раст."
Fruit color red  +
Fruit shape round  +
Fruit size small  +
Fruit type salad  +
Growth habit det.  +
History * There are two different tomatoes with th * There are two different tomatoes with this name, one is from Canada, and the other one from Russia. ** One is described at [ Vent Marin] as an indeterminate, a selection from [[Farthest North]], with larger plant and fruit, made by Edward Lowden of Ancaster, Ontario. ** The other one is described as determinate and Russian origin by Seed Savers Exchange members in the SSE Yearbooks. The determinate version is also offered commercially by [[TomatoFest]] . ** The Russian variant was bred and offered by CV 'Gavrish' in 2001. bred and offered by CV 'Gavrish' in 2001.
Leaf regular  +
Maturity early  +
Member code Category:B.C KO T + , Category:FRAN SC J +
Russian name Alaska +
Seed source Julien Schmit, Nancy, France 09 / [[TomatoFest]] 07
Translation Alternative spelling is [[Aljaska]].
Variety type open-pollinated  +
Vendor TomatoFest + , Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds +
Year grown 2015  +
Categories Tomato Variety List  + , Tomato Seeds  + , Red Tomatoes  + , Determinate Tomatoes  + , Regular Leaf Tomatoes  + , Small Tomatoes  + , Russian Tomatoes  + , Canadian Tomatoes  + , Container Tomatoes  + , Early Tomatoes  + , FRAN SC J  + , B.C KO T  + , Tatiana's 2015 Growout List  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 14 November 2015 06:34:27  +
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Alaska + Russian name


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