Medovaya Kaplya

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Medovaya Kaplya
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type potato
Fruit color yellow
Fruit shape plum, oval, pear
Fruit size small
Fruit type salad
Variety type commercial
Country Russia


Seed source:

1. Valeriy Popenko, Semei, Kazakhstan 11 / CV Russkiy Ogorod 11
2. Denise Salmon, Vancouver, BC, Canada 14 / Carolyn Male of Salem, New York (NY MA C)

Year grown:

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


The first thing I really noticed about this plant was that it looked really cool. I liked the shade of green on its potato leaves, especially when wet. It wasn't early (I'd say midseason), and it wasn't productive at first, but it became productive at the end of the season. The fruits were very small, and definitely yellow (no orange at all) but also one of the sweetest breeds I've tasted. Great taste. Better fresh than cooked. The only consistently sweeter tomato I've tried that comes to mind is Ron's Carbon Copy. I gave a Medovaya Kaplya fruit to my niece, who is said not to like tomatoes, and when I asked her what she thought of it, she said, "It tastes like yummy." I plan to grow this one again in 2017 from saved seeds.

Seed source:

AlittleSalt of (received from a trade in 2015)

Year grown: 2016

Location: New Plymouth, Idaho


  • Russian commercial variety.
  • Introduced to North America by Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus in 2009.
  • First offered in the Seed Savers 2010 Yearbook by Carolyn Male of Salem, New York (NY MA C).

Russian name: Медовая капля

The name means 'Honey Drop' in Russian.

Description in Russian

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Seed Availability

Year Commercial Vendors Seed Savers Yearbook (Member listings) Seeds of Diversity (Member listings)
2018 . .
2017 . .
2016 Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie . .
2015 Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie . .
2014 Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie
Gleckler Seedmen
. .
2013 Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie
Double Helix Farms
Knapp's Fresh Vegies
Sand Hill Preservation Center
. .
2012 Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie
Double Helix Farms (as Honey Drop)
Gleckler Seedmen
1 0
2011 Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie - new
Gleckler Seedmen - new
. .
2010 1 .
2009 0 .
2008 0 .
2007 0 .

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