Dwarf Beryl Beauty

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Dwarf Beryl Beauty
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet., dwarf
Leaf type potato, rugose
Fruit color green
Fruit shape round
Fruit size medium
Fruit type slicer
Variety type stabilized intentional cross, created heirloom
Country Australia, USA


indet. dwarf (tree-type) plants with rugose potato leaf, fruits from 2 oz to 7 oz, 1st fruit was 10 oz, with the majority being 3-4 oz. Fruits are pale green on the outside, with some very faint yellowish blush. It is not easy to tell when the fruit is ripe, and a 'squeeze' test is required. Most of the fruits are round, and some oblate. Very nice flavor. (20 seeds per packet)

Seed source:

1. a plant from Jeannine Chalmers, Coquitlam, BC, Canada 11 / Victory Seed Company 11

2. NC LE C 11 (F10, vial 11-25) (Craig LeHoullier, Raleigh, North Carolina) / WI MI B 10 (Bill Minkey of Darien, Wisconsin)

Year grown: 2011 (#1)

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


Mid-season. One of the more productive new dwarf varieties, Dwarf Beryl Beauty has deep green, rugose potato leaf foliage and a very stout central stem, growing to 4 feet, and perhaps a bit more depending upon conditions. Fruits are smooth and round, ranging from 3-5 ounces, and barely change color upon ripening - though a pale pink blossom end blush develops on many of the fruit. The flesh is bright green, and the flavor is balanced, full and delicious.
2011 growout
I grew out vial 2812, F9 seed, which I got from Bill Minkey and is the CV seed source. Plant habit and leaf shape as expected - Indeterminate potato leaf dwarf, foliage not as rugose as Jade Beauty and plant a bit more spreading, first ripe fruit in 85 days, which is a bit late - it was pretty much shaded and heat aborted the first cluster. Plant is still healthy and now starting to produce well. Yield moderate, fruit perfectly round and consistently in the 3-5 ounce range, a bit larger than Jade Beauty, smooth, green with a pale pink blossom end. Flavor balanced and excellent, around 8 out of 10. This performed as expected - am saving F10 seed as vial 11-25.
Dwarf Project: F9 seed from Bill Minkey of Darien, Wisconsin (WI MI B) (CV source)

Year: 2011

Location: Raleigh, North Carolina


A really great, sweet, full flavored green-when-ripe. 4 oz fruit, semi-determinate, rugose foliage on a dwarf plant, 75 days, good cropper.
Craig LeHoullier of Raleigh, North Carolina (NC LE C) 12

Year: 2012

Location: LaFollette, Tennessee, USA


  • Developed in the 2006-2011 by the members of the Dwarf Tomato Project from a cross between Golden Dwarf Champion with Green Giant made in 2006 by Patrina Nuske Small in Australia, and named Sneezy. Other tomato growers involved in its development are Michael Volk (Texas), Richard Watson (New Zealand), Howard Kushner, Lisa Moore, Reinhard Kraft (Germany) and Bill Minkey (Wisconsin).
  • Stable in its 9th generation.
  • This variety was selected and named by Craig LeHoullier after the gemstone Beryl, which exhibits coloring similar to the fruit.
  • First introduced commercially in 2011 by Victory Seed Company .
  • More information about the development of this cultivar can be found on the Dwarf Tomato Project website.

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