Red Zebra Potato Leaf

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Red Zebra Potato Leaf
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular, potato
Fruit color red, striped
Fruit shape round, oval
Fruit size small
Fruit type salad
Variety type open-pollinated
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Red Zebra Potato leaf - ripe fruit. 2014-08-18.


The seeds that we received from Val and Dan McMurray produced very fuzzy but regular leaf seedlings. However, I can see why it was called 'Potato Leaf', as when the plant grows, the leaves start losing the serrated edges and could be mistaken for potato leaf. Leaves are very woolly and almost blue/silver in color. Fruits are also woolly, striped, slightly oval in shape and quite firm. 2-4 oz.

Seed source:

Dan and Val McMurray of Wynndel, British Columbia, Canada (B.C MC D) 06

Year grown: 2014

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)



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Facts about Red Zebra Potato LeafRDF feed
DescriptionThe seeds that we received from Val and Da The seeds that we received from Val and Dan McMurray produced very fuzzy but regular leaf seedlings. However, I can see why it was called 'Potato Leaf', as when the plant grows, the leaves start losing the serrated edges and could be mistaken for potato leaf. Leaves are very woolly and almost blue/silver in color. Fruits are also woolly, striped, slightly oval in shape and quite firm. 2-4 oz. htly oval in shape and quite firm. 2-4 oz.
Fruit colorred + and striped +
Fruit shaperound + and oval +
Fruit sizesmall +
Fruit typesalad +
Growth habitindet. +
History* Red Zebra off-type.
Leafregular + and potato +
Maturitymidseason +
Member codeB.C KO T +
RelatedRed Zebra +
Seed sourceDan and Val McMurray of Wynndel, British Columbia, Canada (B.C MC D) 06
Variety typeopen-pollinated +
Year grown2014 +
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