From Tatiana's TOMATOBase
Nepal | |
Maturity | midseason |
Growth habit | indet. |
Leaf type | regular |
Fruit color | red |
Fruit shape | round |
Fruit size | medium |
Fruit type | slicer |
Variety type | open-pollinated |
Country | India |
- 80 days, indet., regular leaf, 4-6 oz red slightly oblate globes, blemish-free, very good acidic flavor. I have not observed any cracking when growing the plants in my unheated greenhouse.
Seed source:
- 1. Denise Salmon, Vancouver, BC, Canada 04
- 2. Jan Nienaber, BC, Canada 05
Year grown: 2007
Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)
- 70-80 days, indet., regular leaf, red round fruit, 8-12 oz. good flavoured slightly sweet fruit. Seldom splits, no BER. Production and plant size reduced in hot weather.
- Source
- ?
Year: 2007
Location: Wynndel, BC, Canada
- Large vines, need caging or staking. First maturity about 70 days. Fruits are 4-8 oz. smooth red globes. They have a very good rich flavor and Nepal is a good steady producer throughout the summer (peaking at around 90-100 days) and well into the fall. The fruits are a bit on the soft side and some cracking does occur in wet weather. It has been observed by others as well as myself that what is offered for sale by commercial sources Johnny's Selected Seeds , Tomato Growers Supply is very ordinary in flavor, and may not be the same strain as that with which I’m familiar. I do not know which might be the authentic Nepal variety. The variety was reportedly obtained from the Himalayan country of the same name. We can only wonder how it got there from Central America!
- Source
- NC LE C (Craig LeHoullier, Raleigh, North Carolina)
Year: annually since 1990
Location Augusta, Michigan
- Smooth round red globes average 8-12 oz. Indet, regular leaf, good cropper with good flavor. Mid-late season 80 days.
- Source
- John Graham, Arisona 08
Year: 2012
Location: LaFollette, Tennessee, USA
- 78 days, indet., regular leaf, beautiful deep red 8-12 oz globes, great flavor, excellent yield, good keeper, from Himalayan Mountains.
- Source
- ?
Location: Pasadena, Texas
- This variety was reportedly obtained from Himalaya Mountains
- Johnny's Selected Seeds has been offering Nepal off and on since as early as 1987. It is seed saved from Craig LeHoullier's initial grow out of the JSS seed that he sent to Jeff in 1990 or before. A few years later Craig returned to JSS to purchase some fresh seed, but it did not grow as large or as flavorful. Whether this was just the particular season or variation in their seed stock was not determined at the time.
Picture Gallery
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Nepal - baby fruit. 2007-07-02
Dan & Val McMurray (B.C MC D): Nepal. 2007
Dan & Val McMurray (B.C MC D): Nepal. 2006
Ted Maiden (TN MA T): Nepal Fruit - 2012.
Ted Maiden (TN MA T): Nepal Fruit - 2012.
Jeff Fleming (MI FL J). Nepal. 2005
Seed Availability
Facts about NepalRDF feed
Country | India + |
Fruit color | red + |
Fruit shape | round + |
Fruit size | medium + |
Fruit type | slicer + |
Growth habit | indet. + |
History | * This variety was reportedly obtained fro … * This variety was reportedly obtained from Himalaya Mountains
Leaf | regular + |
Maturity | midseason + |
Member | B.C KO T +, B.C MC D +, MI FL J +, TN MA T + and TX GU R + |
Variety type | open-pollinated + |
Vendor | Johnny's Selected Seeds +, Tomato Growers Supply +, Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds +, TomatoFest +, Sand Hill Preservation Center +, Heirloom Tomatoes +, J&L Gardens Seed +, Solana Seeds +, Trade Winds Fruit +, Heritage Harvest Seed +, Hazzard's Wholesale Seeds +, Twining Vine Garden +, Two Wings Farm + and Full Circle Seeds + |