Krasnodar Titans

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Krasnodar Titans
Maturity midseason
Growth habit det.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color red
Fruit shape round
Fruit size large
Fruit type canner
Variety type open-pollinated
Country Russia
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Krasnodar Titans - ripe fruit. 2015-08-19.


Midseason. Det. plants with dense cover of regular dark green foliage, large round red tomatoes, 8-17 oz. Keeps very well after picking, very high yields. Very good for canning. (15 seeds / packet)

Seed source:

Carolyn Male of Salem, New York (NY MA C) 06

Year grown: 2006, 2015

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


70-80 days, det., red oblate fruit up to 1 lb., very solid, meaty, tasty sweeter tomato, full flavored.

Seed source:


Year grown:

Location: Winndel, BC, Canada


78 days, indet., regular leaf, very good yield of good tasting long lasting 8-12 oz red fruit.

Seed source:

Year grown: 2006

Location: Pasadena, Texas


  • Originated from Russia, Krasnodar region.
  • The name was spelled incorrectly as 'Krasnodor Titans'. Correct spelling is "Krasnodar Titans", after the name of the region (Krasnodar) where this tomato was cultivated.
  • First offered in the Seed Savers 2004 Yearbook by Carolyn Male of Salem, New York (NY MA C), Mariana Belfer, New York / Lubov Kovina, NY.

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Facts about Krasnodar TitansRDF feed
Also known asKrasnodor Titans +
CountryRussia +
DescriptionMidseason. Det. plants with dense cover of regular dark green foliage, large round red tomatoes, 8-17 oz. Keeps very well after picking, very high yields. Very good for canning. (15 seeds / packet)
Fruit colorred +
Fruit shaperound +
Fruit sizelarge +
Fruit typecanner +
Growth habitdet. +
History* Originated from Russia, Krasnodar region * Originated from Russia, Krasnodar region.
  • The name was spelled incorrectly as 'Krasnodor Titans'. Correct spelling is "Krasnodar Titans", after the name of the region (Krasnodar) where this tomato was cultivated.
  • First offered in the Seed Savers 2004 Yearbook by Carolyn Male of Salem, New York (NY MA C), Mariana Belfer, New York / Lubov Kovina, NY. riana Belfer, New York / Lubov Kovina, NY.
Leafregular +
Maturitymidseason +
Member codeB.C KO T +, B.C MC D + and TX GU R +
Seed sourceCarolyn Male of Salem, New York (NY MA C) 06
Variety typeopen-pollinated +
VendorTatiana's TOMATObase Seeds +, Sand Hill Preservation Center + and Double Helix Farms +
Year grown2006 + and 2015 +
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