Bychye Serdtse

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Bychye Serdtse
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color pink, red
Fruit shape heart
Fruit size large
Fruit type slicer
Variety type heirloom
Country Russia
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Bychie Serdtse - ripe fruit. 2012-10-11.


Indet. but compact plants with regular wispy foliage, high yield of pink heart-shaped fruits, with very meaty flesh and a few seeds. Excellent sweet flavor. The first fruit is usually very large, and can be over 1 lb. Typical fruit size is 8-12 oz.

Seed source:

Åke Truedsson of Klagshamn, Sweden (SWED TR A)

Year grown: 2012

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


80 days, indet., regular leaf, outstanding yield of great tasting, 10-16 oz, red heart shaped fruit.
Manfred Hartmann, Germany

Year: 2007

Location: Pasadena, Texas


Similar to

See also

Russian name: Бычье сердце

The name means 'Bull's Heart' in Russian.

Description in Russian

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Facts about Bychye SerdtseRDF feed
CountryRussia +
DescriptionIndet. but compact plants with regular wispy foliage, high yield of pink heart-shaped fruits, with very meaty flesh and a few seeds. Excellent sweet flavor. The first fruit is usually very large, and can be over 1 lb. Typical fruit size is 8-12 oz.
Description in Russian
Fruit colorpink + and red +
Fruit shapeheart +
Fruit sizelarge +
Fruit typeslicer +
Growth habitindet. +
History* Old Russian heart-shaped variety, sometimes spelled as Bych'ye Serdtse or Bytchye Serdtse. Comes both in red and pink colors.
Leafregular +
Maturitymidseason +
MemberTX GU R +
Member codeB.C KO T +
Russian nameБычье сердце +
See alsoBull's Heart +, Bychye Serdtse Rozovoe +, Volovo Srce +, Volovsko Srce +, Cuore Di Toro +, Cuor Di Bue + and Coeur De Boeuf +
Seed sourceÅke Truedsson of Klagshamn, Sweden (SWED TR A)
SimilarBychye Serdtse Rozovoe +
TranslationThe name means 'Bull's Heart' in Russian.
Variety typeheirloom +
VendorTatiana's TOMATObase Seeds +
Year grown2012 +
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