Aladdin's Lamp

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Aladdin's Lamp
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color orange
Fruit shape pear
Fruit size medium
Fruit type paste, canner, slicer
Variety type commercial
Country Russia
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Aladdin's Lamp (David L.) - sliced fruit. 2012-10-20.


Indet., regular leaf, high yields of stunningly beautiful persimmon-colored fruits that are shaped like pears. 2-6 oz. Very good flavor. Fruits are good in sauce and perfect for canning or marinating whole. For similarly shaped tomatoes of other colors please see Gruschevij, Japanese Trifele Black, and Rozovyi Trufel.

Seed source:

1. Barbara Morgenroth, NY 06 / Michael Andersson, Sweden
2. David Lemasters, Pennsylvania

Year grown: 2011 (crop failure), 2012 (1, 2)

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


70-80 days, indet, regular leaf, vigorous 6 ft plants, 8-12 oz orange fruit, good tomato taste, more sweet than acid, meaty and juicy, 12 lbs/plant.

Seed source:

Ann Gillis-Furlano, Ontario, Canada (ONT GI A)

Year grown: 2006

Location: Wynndel, BC, Canada


late, indet., pear shaped yellow tomato, thick flesh, I knew that I have seeded this tomato but then there was an error by the writing at the label, so I wondered in late summer – what a surprise and joy with this wonderful tomato

Seed source:

Susanne Müller

Year grown: 2013

Location: Lohsa, Germany


  • Russian commercial variety 'Lampa Aladdina' (a.k.a. 'Grusha Oranzhevaya'). Unfortunately, the name got translated into other languages when seeds were sent from Russia to other countries, and it is now known as Aladdin's Lamp in America.
  • 'Aladdin' is an Arabic (originally Syrian) name, which means "nobility of the faith". Aladdin is a hero of the famous Arabian tale, "One Thousand and One Nights".
  • First offered in the Seed Savers 2007Al Anderson of Troy, Ohio (OH AN A) Yearbook by {{{2}}}, who obtained the seed from Gary Millwood of Louisville, Kentucky.

Russian name: Лампа Аладдина

The name means 'Aladdin's Lamp' in Russian, hence the name of this tomato.

Description in Russian

  • "Cpeднecпeлый copт. Bыpaщивaeтcя в oдин cтeбeль, тpeбуeт пacынкoвaния и пoдвязки, выcoтa cтeбля 1,5 м. Плoд гpушeвиднoй фopмы, мaccoй 120-300 г. Зpeлыe плoды зoлoтиcтo-opaнжeвыe. Уpoжaйнocть oднoгo pacтeния дo 3 кг. Для caлaтнoгo иcпoльзoвaния и кoнcepвиpoвaния. Цeннocть copтa: выcoкиe диeтичecкиe кaчecтвa. Peкoмeндуeтcя для нeoтaпливaeмыx тeплиц."

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