Tarasenko 2

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Tarasenko 2
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color red
Fruit shape pointed
Fruit size small
Fruit type salad, canner
Variety type open-pollinated, heirloom
Country Urkaine
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Tarasenko 2 - sliced. 2015-08-13.


Indet., regular leaf plants. High yield of small round or slightly oval red fruits with a pointy tip. Very cute looking and taste delicious! Sweet. Excellent for eating fresh or pickling. 2-4 oz. (15 seeds / packet)

Seed source:

Dmitry Shlomin, Bryansk, Russia 13 / Urkainian CV

Year grown: 2015

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


  • An old Ukrainian variety, developed by the Soviet tomato breeder Fedor Tarasenko, who specialized in breeding large-fruited and productive tomato varieties.
  • Although the original Russian name translates as 'Hybrid Tarasenko 2', this is an open pollinated variety. Fedor Tarasenko called his varieties 'hybrid' simply because he made crosses using two parents. These crosses were F1 hybrids, but he stabilized them before sharing seeds with other gardeners.

See also

Russian name: Гибрид Тарасенко 2

Hybrid of Tarasenko 2

Description in Russian

  • Замечательный, среднеранний (105-110 дней), высокоурожайный сорт любительской селекции. Растение детерминатное, мощное, высотой 2,8-3 м. Плоды ярко-красного цвета, округлые, с носиком, весом 80-100 г, плотные, сочные, сладкие, исключительно высоких вкусовых качеств. Отличный сорт для употребления в свежем виде и консервирования. Дает гарантированные урожаи даже в прохладное лето. Относительно устойчив к фитофторозу.

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