Tatiana's TOMATObase - Heritage Tomatoes

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Tatiana Kouchnareva. July 2011.

Mission Statement

  • Our goal is to grow and maintain seeds for thousands of open-pollinated vegetable varieties, provide accurate variety descriptions, research and share historical information, and make seeds available to general public.
  • We garden using 'nature-friendly' methods to maintain healthy environment and our health. This means no toxic sprays for disease control, no pesticides (even organic like cayenne/garlic mix).

Who We Are and What We Do

  • We are one of the largest privately owned and privately funded seed banks in North America. Certainly the largest one in Canada! We maintain over 4,000 varieties of open-pollinated, non-GMO, vegetables.
  • We are very unique in our mission, as we focus on collecting and sharing not only the seeds along with fruits and plants characteristics, but also historical information about our varieties. Historical information is a very important part of seed preservation, and we are so happy to see many small seed vendors following the trend!
  • We welcome gardeners from all over the world to make contributions to the mission by sharing their growout notes and photographs at Tatiana's TOMATObase website.
  • We continue to collect and preserve endangered open-pollinated vegetable varieties and make them available to home gardeners. The proceeds from seed sales and donations help offsetting the cost of seed production and storage, and are our only source of funding at this time.

Thank you so much for visiting!
Tatiana and Stan

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Click here to order seeds from Tatiana's TOMATObase Seed Shop

You can buy Tatiana's TOMATObase - Heritage Tomatoes seeds at Tatiana's TOMATObase Seed Shop.

By buying our seeds you help us to maintain and improve Tatiana's TOMATObase website, and to preserve many endangered open-pollinated varieties.

The proceeds from seed sales and donations are our only source of funding at this time.

Thank you so much for your support!


  1. Thechileman.org Chili pepper database.
  2. Seed Savers Exchange Online Yearbook lists thousands of vegetable varieties offered by SSE listing members.
  3. Online Seed Exchange - SSE blog about online Yearbook.
  4. Canadian Seed Catalogue Inventory - lists Canadian seed vendors and varieties they offer.
  5. Tomato database at Rutgers University: descriptions and pictures of tomatoes grown at Rutgers NJAES research farms.
  6. Reinhard Kraft: 1000+ tomato varieties maintained by Reinhard Kraft (picture captions and descriptions in German)
  7. Vent Marin. 12 000+ variétés ou appellations locales ou commerciales classées par ordre alphabétique.
  8. TolleTomaten German website that features tomato varieties search engine.
  9. Tomodori: a French website dedicated to all aspects of growing and cooking heirloom tomatoes. Features a search engine you can use to search for tomato varieties. You do not need to know French to browse Tomodori Photo Gallery!
  10. Semences-partage website. New searchable Tomato encyclopedia, launched in 2009. In French.
  11. Encyclopédie de Semeurs. French wiki website that describes many edible crops, including tomatoes, as well as facilitates free seed exchanges between members. Launched in July 2009.
  12. Dwarf Tomato Project website run by Patrina Nuske Small, Ray South, and Craig LeHoullier.
  13. Craig LeHoullier's website: Craig has a very informative Tomato Information page, with pictures, origin information, and much more!
  14. Keith Mueller's On-line Tomato Vine website - Keith Mueller is a tomato breeder, who developed several excellent open-pollinated and hybrid varieties, such as Purple Haze F1, Dora, Gary'O Sena, and others.
  15. Tomato Anatomy Atlas - This is a very good educational site that helps gardeners to get familiar with proper terminology when talking about various parts of tomato plant anatomy.
  16. Tomaten-Atlas - a German website with tomato pictures and descriptions in German.
  17. Tomaten Garten - a website of Klaus-Peter Schurz of Germany, who contributed lots of his beautiful tomato pictures for Tatiana's TOMATObase.
  18. Website of Ake Truedson, Sweden.
  19. Frogleap Farm - a tomato breeding blog.
  20. FruitLent - a hobby website featuring tomatoes, peppers, melons, and eggplants, by Marcel Joosten, The Netherlands.
  21. Tomato Dirt website has a lot of very good basic information about starting and saving seeds, transplanting, staking, pruning, mulching, fertilizing, and watering tomatoes.
  22. Tomato pictures of Aleksey Kulik, Ukraine.

  1. Epic Tomatoes - How to Select and Grow The Best Varieties Of All Time by Craig LeHoullier, tomato adviser for Seed Savers Exchange.
  2. Carolyn J. Male's book "100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden" (Workman Publishing, NY, 1999) provides excellent descriptions of a selection of wonderfully tasty varieties.
  3. Click here to view the list of tomatoes, described in the "The Great Tomato Book" by Gary Ibsen.
  4. Amy Goldman's new Tomato book that was released on August 5, 2008: The Heirloom Tomato: From Garden to Table: Recipes, Portraits, and History of the World's Most Beautiful Fruit.
  5. Grow Tomatoes At Home by Annette Welsford & Lucia Grimmer.

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