Tarasenko 6

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Tarasenko 6
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color red
Fruit shape oblate, round
Fruit size medium
Fruit type slicer
Variety type open-pollinated
Country Ukraine
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Tarasenko 6 (3) - sliced. 2015-09-05.


indet., regular leaf, round red fruits, average 6 oz. Juicy, with very good flavor, more sweet than acidic. 5-10 oz.

Seed source:

1. David Lemasters, Pennsylvania 08
2. Martin Longseth of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin (WI LO M) 11
3. Darlene Starr, Landenberg, PA 11

Year grown: 2011(1 - crop failure), 2015

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


75 days, indet., regular leaf, excellent production of 12-16 oz red beefsteaks, excellent taste, a favorite, Ukrainian.

Seed source:

Lyuda Battin

Year grown: 2006

Location: Pasadena, Texas


75 days, indet., regular leaf, high production of 12-16 oz red beefsteaks, excellent taste.

Seed source:

Michael Gunn of Pasadena, Texas (TX GU R) 07 / Lyuda Battin

Year grown: 2008

Location: Bastrop, Texas


  • An old Ukrainian variety, developed by the Soviet tomato breeder Fedor Tarasenko, who specialized in breeding large-fruited and productive tomato varieties.
  • Although the original Russian name translates as 'Hybrid Tarasenko 6', this is an open pollinated variety. Fedor Tarasenko called his varieties 'hybrid' simply because he made crosses using two parents. These crosses were F1 hybrids, but he stabilized them before sharing seeds with other gardeners.
  • First offered in the Seed Savers 2006 Yearbook by Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus.

See also

Russian name: Гибрид Тарасенко 6

Hybrid of Tarasenko 6

Description in Russian

  • Популярный, высокоурожайный среднеспелый авторский сорт. Формирует крепкий куст, высотой 1-1,2 м. Плоды округло-плоской формы, крепкие, весом 200-300 г, очень мясистые, плотные, устойчивы к растрескиванию и механическим повреждениям, вкусовые качества отличные. Особенности сорта: высокая продуктивность, засухоустойчивость, хорошая лежкость и транспортабельность. Пригоден для выращивания безрассадным способом.

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Facts about Tarasenko 6RDF feed
CountryUkraine +
Descriptionindet., regular leaf, round red fruits, average 6 oz. Juicy, with very good flavor, more sweet than acidic. 5-10 oz.
Description in RussianПопулярный, высокоурожайный среднеспелый а Популярный, высокоурожайный среднеспелый авторский сорт. Формирует крепкий куст, высотой 1-1,2 м. Плоды округло-плоской формы, крепкие, весом 200-300 г, очень мясистые, плотные, устойчивы к растрескиванию и механическим повреждениям, вкусовые качества отличные. Особенности сорта: высокая продуктивность, засухоустойчивость, хорошая лежкость и транспортабельность. Пригоден для выращивания безрассадным способом. ден для выращивания безрассадным способом.
Fruit colorred +
Fruit shapeoblate + and round +
Fruit sizemedium +
Fruit typeslicer +
Growth habitindet. +
History* An old Ukrainian variety, developed by t * An old Ukrainian variety, developed by the Soviet tomato breeder Fedor Tarasenko, who specialized in breeding large-fruited and productive tomato varieties.
  • Although the original Russian name translates as 'Hybrid Tarasenko 6', this is an open pollinated variety. Fedor Tarasenko called his varieties 'hybrid' simply because he made crosses using two parents. These crosses were F1 hybrids, but he stabilized them before sharing seeds with other gardeners.
  • First offered in the Seed Savers 2006 Yearbook by Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus. ok by Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus.
Leafregular +
Maturitymidseason +
Member codeB.C KO T +, TX GU R + and TX AN S +
Russian nameГибрид Тарасенко 6 +
See alsoTarasenko 2 +, Tarasenko 1 + and Tarasenko 7 +
Seed source1. David Lemasters, Pennsylvania 08
2. Martin Longseth of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin (WI LO M) 11
3. Darlene Starr, Landenberg, PA 11
TranslationHybrid of Tarasenko 6
Variety typeopen-pollinated +
VendorTatiana's TOMATObase Seeds +
Year grown2011(1 - crop failure) + and 2015 +
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