* Mozark is a stabilized cross of [[Earlia … * Mozark is a stabilized cross of [[Earliana]], [[L. pimpinellifolium]], [[Break O'Day]], [[Bison]], and [[Greater Baltimore]]. It is well adapted to sweltering Midwestern and Mid-South summer conditions. It was released n 1958, and now discontinued.
* A University of Missouri variety used in producing several hybrids once popular in Arkansas and Missouri, including [[Avalanche]] ([[Mozark]] x [[Glamour]]) and [[Missouri Surprise]], also known as [[MoCross Surprise]] ([[Mozark]] x [[Sioux]]). Then Mozark went out of production and the hybrids were taken off the market.
* Bill Jeffers of Indiana got some 1964 seeds from Dr. David Trinklein (Univ. Mo. at Columbia) and grew some nice, 36 – 40" tall plants that bore an average 40 fruit in the 5 – 7 ounce range, red, slightly flattened globes with excellent tart flavor that used to be common among canner types. that used to be common among canner types.