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Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular, wispy
Fruit color orange
Fruit shape plum
Fruit size cherry
Fruit type cherry
Variety type


Indet., regular foliage which has this 'funny' smell of SunGold foliage, wispy droopy vines, large elongated orange cherry fruits with pointed tip at the blossom end, excellent sweet/tart taste.
2008 growout (F2 generation) 
  • 8 plants - 25% red, 75% orange; fruit shape and plants growing habit are consistent.
  • Plants #1 and #5: red elongated cherry with pointed tip at the blossom end, unremarkable taste. No seeds saved.
  • Plants #2, 3, 4, 6: orange fruit with pointed tip at the blossom end. Seeds saved to continue de-hybridization in 2009.
2009 growout (F3 generation) 
  • 12 seeds from plant #2 (F3 seed, 2008) started; 100% germination. 6 plants were set out, all plants look identical, with wispy droopy foliage. 3 plants produced orange fruits, same size and shape as the F2 generation of Serenity, but 3 other plants produced red fruits, one with larger 2-2.5" by 1-1.5" fruits. Flavor of all segregates was very good and sweet, fruits were meaty and not seedy. It is certainly worth to continue selection in the coming years and stabilize a few.
2010 growout (F4 generation, F5 seed) 
still segregating - I got orange and red colored fruits, all with tips but slightly varied in shape. I continue to select for orange fruits with a tip and few seeds. The red plum line from 2009 is also segregating into orange and red, with slightly larger fruits. I saved seeds from the orange line. Foliage and plant growth habit is consistent and is the same as last year, wispy and droopy.

Seed source:

B.C KO T 08 (F2 seeds)

Year grown: 2007 (F1), 2008 (F2), 2009 (F3, #2)

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)



in 2009 and 2010 it seems to be not stable. the tomatoes have differnet fruit shapes
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T)

Year: 2009, 2010

Location: Quitzdorf am See, Germany


  • The original hybrid, Mountain Roma X F2 Sun Sugar was created by Tom Wagner of WA, a private tomato and potato breeder and founder of Tater Mater Seed. The two seeds Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T) acquired from Tom Wagner in 2007 produced two plants with similar growth and fruit shape characteristics, but different fruit color: one was bright orange and the other was non-glossy red. Seeds saved from both the red and orange variants. Tatiana named these "Serenity" and "Sweet Dreams" . Tatiana shared the F2 seed with Ted Corbett (GERM CO T) in 2008, who grew 1 plant of each and obtained both the orange and red-colored fruits.


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Facts about SerenityRDF feed
Fruit colororange +
Fruit shapeplum +
Fruit sizecherry +
Fruit typecherry +
Growth habitindet. +
Leafregular + and wispy +
Maturitymidseason +
MemberB.C KO T + and GERM SC K +
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