Piennolo Del Vesuvio

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Piennolo Del Vesuvio
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type potato
Fruit color red
Fruit shape pear, oval
Fruit size small
Fruit type salad, cooking
Variety type heirloom, historic
Country Italy


Compact indet. plants, potato leaf, small bright red pyriform fruits with a large nipple on the blossom end, they look similar to Principe Borghese tomatoes. It is a winter pantry tomato, fruits are very good keepers and can be stored up to 9 months by handing the vines up in a cellar. Wait for the fruits to get fully ripe before sampling, they taste very good. Darrel Jones of Selected Plants in Alabama was so kind to raise and share these seeds with me in August 2012, and I am honored to offer them to my customers.

Seed source:

Darrel Jones, Alabama / Craig LeHoullier, Raleigh, North Carolina

Year grown: 2012

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


Indet. Plant with potato leaf, fruits small 15-20g, red, plum-shaped with a tip. Fruits very similar Principe Borghese, only longer tip and on the cut are more angular. Taste seems to me much better. Excellent for drying.

Seed source:

Heritage Tomato Seed, USA

Year grown: 2014

Location: Czech republic, Brno, 780 ft


  • Originated in Italy, it has been grown for centuries in the area of Somma-Vesuvio volcanic group, in the province of Naples and in the part of the territory in the Municipality of Nola. It dates to 1885 or earlier, and it was first mentioned by Bruni in "Degli ortaggi e loro coltivazione presso la città di Napoli" and later by Palmieri, in "Annuario della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura in Portici" (the current Faculty of Agriculture) (1885).
  • It is a winter pantry tomato that Italians would hang in their cellars over winter in whole clusters to preserve fresh for a long time.
  • See Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio website for more information.
  • The problem with this variety is that it has PDO protected status ('protected designation of origin'), which was granted in 2009. (see [1].). This means that it can only be labelled as such if it comes from the designated region. This may force growers outside of the Italian region to rename this variety, which is a 'no-no' for many seed preservationists.

Also known as

See also

Seed Availability

Year Commercial Vendors Seed Savers Yearbook (Member listings) Seeds of Diversity (Member listings)
2018 . .
2017 . .
2016 . .
2015 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds - sold out for 2015 . .
2014 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds
Heritage Tomato Seed
Sand Hill Preservation Center
. .
2013 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds - new
Sand Hill Preservation Center
. .
2012 0 0
2011 0 0
2010 0 .
2009 0 .
2008 0 .
2007 0 .

Facts about Piennolo Del VesuvioRDF feed
Also known asPomodorino Vesuviano + and Madera F1 +
CountryItaly +
Fruit colorred +
Fruit shapepear + and oval +
Fruit sizesmall +
Fruit typesalad + and cooking +
Growth habitindet. +
History* Originated in Italy, it has been grown f * Originated in Italy, it has been grown for centuries in the area of Somma-Vesuvio volcanic group, in the province of Naples and in the part of the territory in the Municipality of Nola. It dates to 1885 or earlier, and it was first mentioned by Bruni in "Degli ortaggi e loro coltivazione presso la città di Napoli" and later by Palmieri, in "Annuario della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura in Portici" (the current Faculty of Agriculture) (1885).
  • It is a winter pantry tomato that Italians would hang in their cellars over winter in whole clusters to preserve fresh for a long time.
  • See Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio website for more information.
  • The problem with this variety is that it has PDO protected status ('protected designation of origin'), which was granted in 2009. (see [1].). This means that it can only be labelled as such if it comes from the designated region. This may force growers outside of the Italian region to rename this variety, which is a 'no-no' for many seed preservationists. a 'no-no' for many seed preservationists.
Leafpotato +
Maturitymidseason +
MemberB.C KO T +
Member codeCZEC GR V +
See alsoGrappoli d'Inverno +
Variety typeheirloom + and historic +
VendorTatiana's TOMATObase Seeds +, Sand Hill Preservation Center + and Heritage Tomato Seed +
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