Mikado Rozovyi

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Mikado Rozovyi
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type potato
Fruit color pink
Fruit shape beefsteak
Fruit size large
Fruit type slicer
Variety type open-pollinated, commercial
Country Russia
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Mikado Pink - ripe fruit. 2010-09-10.


indet., potato leaf, 8-16 oz large pink fruit. First fruit on each plant is fused and huge. Juicy flesh with small seed cavities and small seeds, excellent smooth balanced flavor.

Seed source:

Vitaly Chashin, Volovo, Russia 10 / CV - Valery Brizhan' , Krasnodar region, stanitsa Chelbasskaya, Russia 10

Year grown: 2010

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


  • Russian commercial variety.
  • It may be related to the famous Mikado tomato, as Mikado was available in Czech seed bank in the 40s (it was used as a parent when Jaroslav Homola bred his famous Stupice tomatoes), and from there Mikado seeds likely came to the former USSR. But so far we were not able to obtain a definitive proof of this theory.

Also known as

See also

Russian name: Микадо Розовый

The name means 'Mikado Pink' in Russian.

Description in Russian

  • "Раннеспелый, деликатесный сорт. Вегетационный период от всходов до сбора урожая - 94-95 дней. Растение индетерминантное, высотой 1,5-1,8 м. Листья по форме, напоминают картофельные, широкие, темно-зеленые. Плоды округлые или плоско-округлые, розовые, мясистые, вкусные, очень выровненные по форме и размеру, гладкие, плотные, средним весом 300-400 г. Сорт вынослив к основным болезням томатов, устойчив к фитофторозу."

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Facts about Mikado RozovyiRDF feed
Also known asMikado Pink +
CountryRussia +
Descriptionindet., potato leaf, 8-16 oz large pink fruit. First fruit on each plant is fused and huge. Juicy flesh with small seed cavities and small seeds, excellent smooth balanced flavor.
Description in Russian"Раннеспелый, деликатесный сорт. Вегетацио "Раннеспелый, деликатесный сорт. Вегетационный период от всходов до сбора урожая - 94-95 дней. Растение индетерминантное, высотой 1,5-1,8 м. Листья по форме, напоминают картофельные, широкие, темно-зеленые. Плоды округлые или плоско-округлые, розовые, мясистые, вкусные, очень выровненные по форме и размеру, гладкие, плотные, средним весом 300-400 г. Сорт вынослив к основным болезням томатов, устойчив к фитофторозу." болезням томатов, устойчив к фитофторозу."
Fruit colorpink +
Fruit shapebeefsteak +
Fruit sizelarge +
Fruit typeslicer +
Growth habitindet. +
History* Russian commercial variety.
  • It may be * Russian commercial variety.
  • It may be related to the famous Mikado tomato, as Mikado was available in Czech seed bank in the 40s (it was used as a parent when Jaroslav Homola bred his famous Stupice tomatoes), and from there Mikado seeds likely came to the former USSR. But so far we were not able to obtain a definitive proof of this theory. obtain a definitive proof of this theory.
Leafpotato +
Maturitymidseason +
Member codeB.C KO T +
Russian nameМикадо Розовый +
See alsoMikado +, Mikado Chernyi +, Mikado Krasnyi + and Micado Blanc +
Seed sourceVitaly Chashin, Volovo, Russia 10 / CV - Valery Brizhan' , Krasnodar region, stanitsa Chelbasskaya, Russia 10
TranslationThe name means 'Mikado Pink' in Russian.
Variety typeopen-pollinated + and commercial +
VendorTatiana's TOMATObase Seeds + and Double Helix Farms +
Year grown2010 +
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