Dar Zavolzhiya
From Tatiana's TOMATOBase
Dar Zavolzhiya | |
Maturity | midseason |
Growth habit | det. |
Leaf type | regular |
Fruit color | red |
Fruit shape | round |
Fruit size | small |
Fruit type | salad |
Variety type | open-pollinated |
Country | Russia |
Seed source:
- Michael Gunn of Pasadena, Texas (TX GU R) 07 / Lyuda Battin, Russia
Year grown: 2013 (germination failure)
Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)
- 75 days, semi-det., regular leaf, 3-6 oz red fruit, great tasting all-purpose tomato, high yields, fusarium resistance.
- Source
- Lyuda Battin
Location: Pasadena, Texas
- Russian variety from Volgograd, Russia. Developed by Volgograd Research Station of Russian Agric. Research Institute.
- First offered in the Seed Savers 2007 Yearbook by Michael Gunn of Pasadena, Texas (TX GU R), who obtained the seeds from Lyuda Battin.
Russian name: Дар Заволжья
- The name means 'Gift from Zavolzhie', where 'Zavolzhie' is a geographic region of Russia near Volga River.
Description in Russian
- "Среднеранний , высокоурожайный сорт. От всходов к началу плодоношения -105-110 дней. Куст детерминантный, высотой 55-65 см. Плод крепкий, округлый, весом до 120 г, высоких вкусовых качеств. Универсального использования."
Seed Availability
Year | Commercial Vendors | Seed Savers Yearbook (Member listings) | Seeds of Diversity (Member listings) |
2018 | . | . | |
2017 | . | . | |
2016 | . | . | |
2015 | . | . | |
2014 | . | . | |
2013 | . | . | |
2012 | . | . | |
2011 | 0 | 0 | |
2010 | 0 | . | |
2009 | 0 | . | |
2008 | 1 | . | |
2007 | 1 | . |