Bread and Salt
From Tatiana's TOMATOBase
Bread and Salt | |
Maturity | midseason |
Growth habit | det. |
Leaf type | regular |
Fruit color | pink |
Fruit shape | oblate |
Fruit size | large |
Fruit type | slicer |
Variety type | commercial |
Country | Russia |
This is not the original name of the tomato - see Khlebosolnye
- This is a Russian commercial variety Khlebosolnye, named for the long held tradition in Russia to give special guests a loaf of bread and salt as they arrive. In Russian culture bread is associated with hospitality, and salt has an association with long friendship.
- Vended by number of Russian commercial seed vendors in the late 2000s, including 'Sibirskiy Sad'.
- First introduced commercially in North America by Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in 2010, under translated name Bread and Salt. Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds catalog picture does not match the pictures given by Russian seed vendors for Khlebosolnye. It should be a bright red oblate tomato, but what is sold in the North America is a heart-shaped tomato. There must be some seed mixup happened in the seed exchange transaction between Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds and a Russian seed saver, or the variety was not entirely stable. I suspect the stability could have been an issue, as the Russian vendor 'Sibirskiy Sad' shortly released another variation of this tomato named Khlebosolnyi Rozovyi (pink).
Russian name: Хлебосольные
- the name means 'Bread and Salt' in Russian.
Also known as
- Khlebosolnye - the original Russian name.
Picture Gallery
Patty Brown, Ohio. Bread and Salt - green fruit. August 12, 2011. Posted with owner's permission.
Patty Brown, Ohio. Bread and Salt - ripe fruit, incorrect fruit shape (probably originated from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds ). August 4, 2011. Posted with owner's permission.
Seed Availability
Year | Commercial Vendors | Seed Savers Yearbook (Member listings) | Seeds of Diversity (Member listings) |
2018 | . | . | |
2017 | . | . | |
2016 | . | . | |
2015 | . | . | |
2014 | Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds | . | . |
2013 | Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds | . | . |
2012 | Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (heart) | 2 | 1 |
2011 | Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds | 1 | 1 (correct oblate shape) |
2010 | Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds - new | 0 | . |
2009 | 0 | . | |
2008 | 0 | . | |
2007 | 0 | . |
Facts about Bread and SaltRDF feed
Country | Russia + |
Fruit color | pink + |
Fruit shape | oblate + |
Fruit size | large + |
Fruit type | slicer + |
Growth habit | det. + |
Leaf | regular + |
Maturity | midseason + |
Variety type | commercial + |
Vendor | Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds + |