Black Mamba

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Black Mamba
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color black
Fruit shape beefsteak
Fruit size
Fruit type slicer
Variety type accidental crosswarning.png"accidental cross" is not in the list of possible values (heirloom, family heirloom, commercial heirloom, created heirloom, mystery heirloom, commercial, historic, open-pollinated, hybrid, stabilized accidental cross, stabilized intentional cross, unstable segregation line, de-hybridized, offtype, mutation, wild, unknown) for this property.
Country USA
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Black Mamba - ripe fruit. 2013-09-15.


F3 seeds / F4 generation: Indet., regular leaf plants. I only manage to germinate 3 seeds from the original seed packet, and got 2 plants producing green/black bi-colored fruits and 1 plant producing large flattened and ruffled black beefsteaks, 7-15 oz. Flavor is very good and sweet. I am assuming that the goal of the selection is to get large black fruits. However, the bi-colored segregation line was also very good tasting - seeds saved as Muddy Mamba.

Seed source:

Denise Salmon, BC, Canada 13 / Millard Murdock (winterfly) 08 (F3)

Year grown: 2013

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


  • A natural cross of a Lucky Cross that appeared in the garden of Millard Murdock of East Flat Rock, North Carolina.
  • Millard Murdock shared F3 seeds with Denise Salmon of Vancouver, BC, Canada in 2008 and this is what he wrote about the seed:
"The Black Mamba is from a growout of a cross between Lucky Cross and an unknown variety. The F1 fruit was pink, but among the F2s, there was also a PL black, a PL bicolor, a RL bicolor, a PL pink, a RL pink. The PL black I named Black Magic and this one holds a lot of promise because it is a firm fruit that has more shelf life than most blacks. "
  • Named after Black Mamba snake, the fastest snake in the world.


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Facts about Black MambaRDF feed
CountryUSA +
DescriptionF3 seeds / F4 generation: Indet., regular F3 seeds / F4 generation: Indet., regular leaf plants. I only manage to germinate 3 seeds from the original seed packet, and got 2 plants producing green/black bi-colored fruits and 1 plant producing large flattened and ruffled black beefsteaks, 7-15 oz. Flavor is very good and sweet. I am assuming that the goal of the selection is to get large black fruits. However, the bi-colored segregation line was also very good tasting - seeds saved as Muddy Mamba. tasting - seeds saved as Muddy Mamba.
Fruit colorblack +
Fruit shapebeefsteak +
Fruit typeslicer +
Growth habitindet. +
History* A natural cross of a Lucky Cross tha * A natural cross of a Lucky Cross that appeared in the garden of Millard Murdock of East Flat Rock, North Carolina.
  • Millard Murdock shared F3 seeds with Denise Salmon of Vancouver, BC, Canada in 2008 and this is what he wrote about the seed:
"The Black Mamba is from a growout of a cross between Lucky Cross and an unknown variety. The F1 fruit was pink, but among the F2s, there was also a PL black, a PL bicolor, a RL bicolor, a PL pink, a RL pink. The PL black I named Black Magic and this one holds a lot of promise because it is a firm fruit that has more shelf life than most blacks. "
  • Named after Black Mamba snake, the fastest snake in the world. ba] snake, the fastest snake in the world.
Leafregular +
Maturitymidseason +
Member codeB.C KO T +
RelatedBlack Magic + and Muddy Mamba +
Seed sourceDenise Salmon, BC, Canada 13 / Millard Murdock (winterfly) 08 (F3)
Variety type
Year grown2013 +
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