Bijskij Zeltyi

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Bijskij Zeltyi
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color yellow
Fruit shape beefsteak
Fruit size large
Fruit type slicer
Variety type open-pollinated, heirloom
Country Russia


indet. plants with dense regular foliage, ...

Seed source:

1. Robert Hoser, Wolfratshausen, Germany 10 / Gerard Bohl, Germany (orig. seeds)
2. John Seewald, New Jersey 07 (crossed seed - see Bijskij Plum)

Year grown: 2010 (1)

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


80 days, indet., regular leaf plant, high yield of 8-16 oz yellow fruit, very good flavor.
NM MA W 98

Location: Oblong, Illinois


  • SSE TOMATO 3343.
  • Appears in Seed Savers 1998 Yearbook, offered by Seed Savers Heritage Farm, Decorah, Iowa (IA SSE HF). Original seed from the former USSR.
  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), PI 262935. Donated to USDA in 1960 by Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry. Locality: West Siberia, Biysk, Russia.

Russian name: Бийский Жёлтый

The name can be translated as 'Yellow from Biysk', and may indicate that this tomato originated from Byisk, Siberia.

Description in Russian

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Seed Availability

Year Commercial Vendors Seed Savers Yearbook (Member listings) Seeds of Diversity (Member listings)
2018 . .
2017 . .
2016 . .
2015 . .
2014 . .
2013 Double Helix Farms . .
2012 Double Helix Farms (as Biysk Yellow) . .
2011 . .
2010 1 .
2009 1 .
2008 2 .
2007 2 .

Facts about Bijskij ZeltyiRDF feed
CountryRussia +
Description in Russian
Fruit coloryellow +
Fruit shapebeefsteak +
Fruit sizelarge +
Fruit typeslicer +
Growth habitindet. +
Leafregular +
Maturitymidseason +
MemberB.C KO T + and IL LO N +
Russian nameБийский Жёлтый +
TranslationThe name can be translated as 'Yellow from Biysk', and may indicate that this tomato originated from Byisk, Siberia.
USDAPI 262935 +
USDA link +
Variety typeopen-pollinated + and heirloom +
VendorDouble Helix Farms +
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