Amerikanskiy Vytyanutyi

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Amerikanskiy Vytyanutyi
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color pink
Fruit shape heart
Fruit size medium
Fruit type slicer
Variety type open-pollinated
Country Russia
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Amerikanskiy Vytyanutyi - ripe fruit. 2012-09-13.


Indet., regular leaf, wispy/droopy foliage, very good yield of pink heart-shaped fruit, beautiful, meaty, with excellent sweet taste. 6-12 oz. (15 seeds / packet)

Seed source:

Dmitry Shlomin, Bryansk, Russia 11

Year grown: 2011 (crop failure), 2012

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


  • Origin unknown. Seed obtained by Tatiana Kouchnareva of Anmore, BC, Canada from Dmitry Shlomin of Bryansk, Russia in 2011. Dmitry obtained the seed from Tamara Yaschenko of Biysk, Siberia, Russia .
  • It could be a known tomato variety from the USA which name was lost in a seed exchange transaction or a garden mixup in Russia.

Russian name: Американский вытянутый

The name means 'American Elongated' in Russian. I am not sure why it was called 'elongated', as it has a classic heart shape.

Description in Russian

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Facts about Amerikanskiy VytyanutyiRDF feed
CountryRussia +
DescriptionIndet., regular leaf, wispy/droopy foliage, very good yield of pink heart-shaped fruit, beautiful, meaty, with excellent sweet taste. 6-12 oz. (15 seeds / packet)
Description in Russian
Fruit colorpink +
Fruit shapeheart +
Fruit sizemedium +
Fruit typeslicer +
Growth habitindet. +
History* Origin unknown. Seed obtained by Tatiana * Origin unknown. Seed obtained by Tatiana Kouchnareva of Anmore, BC, Canada from Dmitry Shlomin of Bryansk, Russia in 2011. Dmitry obtained the seed from Tamara Yaschenko of Biysk, Siberia, Russia .
  • It could be a known tomato variety from the USA which name was lost in a seed exchange transaction or a garden mixup in Russia. e transaction or a garden mixup in Russia.
Leafregular +
Maturitymidseason +
Member codeB.C KO T +
Russian nameАмериканский вытянутый +
Seed sourceDmitry Shlomin, Bryansk, Russia 11
TranslationThe name means 'American Elongated' in Russian. I am not sure why it was called 'elongated', as it has a classic heart shape.
Variety typeopen-pollinated +
VendorTatiana's TOMATObase Seeds +
Year grown2011 (crop failure) + and 2012 +
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