Yaponskiy Trufel Chernyi

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Yaponskiy Trufel Chernyi
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type potato
Fruit color black
Fruit shape pear, plum
Fruit size medium
Fruit type canner, paste, slicer
Variety type commercial, open-pollinated
Country Russia


Indet., potato leaf, brick red/brown pear-shaped fruits up to 2-6 oz, very prolific.

Seed source:

CV Biotechnika 03

Year grown: 2005, 2008

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


  • Russian commercial variety.
  • The original name is Yaponskiy Trufel Chernyi, but unfortunately the seed came to North America with the translated name, Japanese Trifele Black, and it was offered by many commercial seed vendors with the translated name.
  • Tatiana's note: We do not support names translation, as it leads to confusion and the same variety being offered under different names. Please always use the original variety name to avoid confusion and preserve variety's roots and history. All the translated names are considered to be 'marketing' names, and not actual variety names..

Russian name: Японский трюфель черный

The name means 'Japanese Trifele Black' in Russian.

Description in Russian

  • "Необычно красивые плоды в виде трюфеля. Оригинальная окраска плода черно-коричневая. Обладают плотной консистенцией - идеальны для цельно-плодного консервирования. Растение высокорослое, требует пасынкования. Плод весом 100-150 г, мясистый, очень плотный, в кисти 5-6 плодов, обычно растение формируют в 1-2 стебля, оставляя 4-5 кистей."

Also known as

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