Rozovyi Myod

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Rozovyi Myod
Maturity midseason
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type regular
Fruit color pink
Fruit shape heart
Fruit size large
Fruit type slicer
Variety type commercial, open-pollinated
Country Russia


80 days, indet., regular leaf plant with a good yield of 6-10 oz pink fruit with good flavor.

Seed source:

Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus (BELR BA A)

Year grown:

Location: Oblong, Illinois


  • Russian commercial variety, introduced to North America by Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus in the late 2000s as Pink Honey, which is a translated name.
  • Tatiana's note: We do not support names translation, as it leads to confusion and the same variety being offered under different names. Please always use the original variety name to avoid confusion and preserve variety's roots and history. All the translated names are considered to be 'marketing' names, and not actual variety names.
  • First offered in the Seed Savers 2007 Yearbook by Neil Lockhart of Oblong, Illinois (IL LO N), who received the seeds from Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus.

Also known as

Russian name: Розовый Мёд

The name means 'Pink Honey' in Russian, and that was the name that this variety was originally introduced with to North American gardeners.
Unfortunately some commercial vendors in North America also offer this variety under translated name.

Description in Russian

  • "Новый сорт Западно-Сибирской селекции с особо крупными плодами медового вкуса. Растение детерминантное, слаборослое, высотой 60-70 см, с высокой нагрузкой тяжелыми плодами, весом до 1500 г. Плоды усеченно-сердцевидной формы, насыщенно-розового цвета с муаровым отливом. Пригоден для употребления в свежем виде, домашней кулинарии и рыночных продаж."

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Seed Availability

Year Commercial Vendors Seed Savers Yearbook (Member listings) Seeds of Diversity (Member listings)
2018 . .
2017 . .
2016 . .
2015 . .
2014 Ohio Heirloom Seeds . .
2013 Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (as Pink Honey)
Delectation of Tomatoes - new
Double Helix Farms
3 (as Pink Honey) .
2012 Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (as Pink Honey)
Double Helix Farms
2 0
2011 Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (as Pink Honey) 0 0
2010 Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds - new (as Pink Honey) 1 .
2009 1 .
2008 1 .
2007 0 .

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