Lucky Cross

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Lucky Cross
Maturity late
Growth habit indet.
Leaf type potato
Fruit color bi-color
Fruit shape beefsteak
Fruit size large
Fruit type slicer
Variety type open-pollinated
Country USA
Tatiana Kouchnareva (B.C KO T). Lucky Cross - sliced ripe fruit. 2008-10-05.


Indet., potato leaf, tall plant, late to bloom and set fruit, fruit shape is exactly like Brandywine's, late to set fruit and late to ripen, but it is well worth it. Fruits are yellow with pink streaks inside, and turn darker as they continue ripening on the counter to almost solid red-pink at the blossom end. Excellent flavor. 8-16 oz.

Seed source:

1. Mireille Blais, Quebec, Canada 07
2. Jeff Fleming of Augusta, Michigan (MI FL J) 08 (germination failure)
3. Rob Gee, Ohio 09
4. Darrel Jones, Alabama 13 / Craig LeHoullier of Raleigh, North Carolina (NC LE C) (crossed seed)

Year grown: 2008(1, 2), 2010(3), 2013(4 - crossed), 2014(1, 2)

Location: Zone 7b, PNW, Anmore, BC, Canada (760 ft above sea level)


85 days, indet., potato leaf plant with a good yield of 8-14 oz red-yellow bicolor fruit with very good flavor.

Seed source:

Bill Minkey of Darien, Wisconsin (WI MI B) 03

Year grown:

Location: Oblong, Illinois


Very large vines, require staking or caging. Moderate to good production of large (mostly 10-14 oz but some jumbos up to 22 oz) red and yellow streaked/marbled fruits. I tend to find them with more red than yellow, unlike many red/yellow bicolor tomatoes which are mostly yellow marbled with red. They have a fabulous, complex sweet rich flavor that really packs a punch. In my opinion Lucky Cross is at least equal to pink Brandywine and perhaps better. First mature fruit are typically about 80 days. For me this variety produces more reliably than pink Brandywine, and – to really ice the cake for me – even the fruit obtained deep into the fall, when cool weather usually dampens the sweetness of other varieties, still taste wonderfully sweet. When the first frost is nearing, it is definitely worth your while to pick the remaining fruit that have a chance to ripen indoors because they are the best tomatoes you will have until the following summer. I’ve grown a number of yellow/red bicolor varieties and Lucky Cross is far and away the best flavored one of the bunch; most others are meekly sweet flavored. Beautiful, long-producing, and mouth-wateringly delicious – what more can you ask from a tomato?
I grew out one of Craig's earlier generations of the Lucky Cross and found it to be nothing special, but it was not stabilized then, and I obviously did not have the same thing that he was observing. His persistence with this really hit the jackpot.

Seed source:

Craig LeHoullier of North Carolina

Year grown: 2005, 2006, 2007

Location: Augusta, Michigan


85 days, indet., potato leaf, 10-18 oz, red-yellow bi-color, excellent flavor, productive.

Seed source:


Year grown:

Location: Pasadena, Texas


  • In growing out Brandywine in 1997 (from seed saved in 1993), Craig LeHoullier noted a number of regular leaf seedlings. Unsure if this was a cross or mix up, he grew out one plant, which produced large, oblate pink fruit with distinct vertical gold stripes - a very unusual result. Assuming therefore he was looking at an F1 hybrid, he undertook growouts of saved seed over the next few years. The most promising produced large, smooth oblate bicolored fruit on a potato leaf plant with superb flavor. With a working name of Rainbow Brandywine, Craig was joined in stabilization efforts by a nearby North Carolina seed saver, Larry Bohs. Eventually the selection neared stabilization and Craig named it Lucky Cross. A second selection, essentially a smaller, rounder version with similarly excellent flavor, was also stabilized and named Little Lucky. In looking over his garden map of 1993, the experimental variety Tad grew nearby. (Tad was a variety named by Carolyn Male for seed saver and amateur breeder Tad Smith - it is the result of an effort to get a Tigerella type striping on large fruit with a bicolor interior. He started with a cross that included Old German with Tigerella. Tad ended up being a medium sized, nearly round yellow fruit with distinct gold stripes. It is nearly certain that Tad is indeed the source of the striped characteristic of the crossed Brandywine seed.)
  • No commercial sources were noted for 2004 in the Garden Seed Inventory 6th edition, but it is now available from a number of commercial vendors.
  • This variety first appeared in SSE 2002 Yearbook, listed by both Craig LeHoullier and Larry Bohs of NC (NC BO L), who helped Craig in stabilizing it.


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Seed Availability

Year Commercial Vendors Seed Savers Yearbook (Member listings) Seeds of Diversity (Member listings)
2018 . .
2017 . .
2016 Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie . .
2015 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds
Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie
. .
2014 Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie
Gleckler Seedmen
J&L Gardens Seed
The Sample Seed Shop
Tomato Growers Supply
Trade Winds Fruit - sold out for 2014
Victory Seed Company
. .
2013 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds
Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie
Delectation of Tomatoes - new
J&L Gardens Seed
Knapp's Fresh Vegies
Sand Hill Preservation Center
The Sample Seed Shop
Tomato Growers Supply
Trade Winds Fruit
Victory Seed Company
. .
2012 Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie
Double Helix Farms
Gleckler Seedmen
Tomato Growers Supply
Victory Seed Company
5 1
2011 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds - sold out for 2011
Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie
Gleckler Seedmen
Knapp's Fresh Vegies - new
Sand Hill Preservation Center
The Sample Seed Shop - sold out
Tomato Growers Supply
Victory Seed Company
6 1
2010 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds - sold out for 2010
Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie
Gleckler Seedmen - new
Gourmet Seed International
Sand Hill Preservation Center
Tomato Growers Supply - new
Victory Seed Company
7 1
2009 Tatiana's TOMATObase Seeds
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds - new
Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie
Gourmet Seed International - new
Victory Seed Company
10 .
2008 TomatoFest 9 .
2007 Sand Hill Preservation Center 9 .

Facts about Lucky CrossRDF feed
CountryUSA +
DescriptionIndet., potato leaf, tall plant, late to b Indet., potato leaf, tall plant, late to bloom and set fruit, fruit shape is exactly like Brandywine's, late to set fruit and late to ripen, but it is well worth it. Fruits are yellow with pink streaks inside, and turn darker as they continue ripening on the counter to almost solid red-pink at the blossom end. Excellent flavor. 8-16 oz. he blossom end. Excellent flavor. 8-16 oz.
Fruit colorbi-color +
Fruit shapebeefsteak +
Fruit sizelarge +
Fruit typeslicer +
Growth habitindet. +
History* In growing out Brandywine in 1997 (from * In growing out Brandywine in 1997 (from seed saved in 1993), Craig LeHoullier noted a number of regular leaf seedlings. Unsure if this was a cross or mix up, he grew out one plant, which produced large, oblate pink fruit with distinct vertical gold stripes - a very unusual result. Assuming therefore he was looking at an F1 hybrid, he undertook growouts of saved seed over the next few years. The most promising produced large, smooth oblate bicolored fruit on a potato leaf plant with superb flavor. With a working name of Rainbow Brandywine, Craig was joined in stabilization efforts by a nearby North Carolina seed saver, Larry Bohs. Eventually the selection neared stabilization and Craig named it Lucky Cross. A second selection, essentially a smaller, rounder version with similarly excellent flavor, was also stabilized and named Little Lucky. In looking over his garden map of 1993, the experimental variety Tad grew nearby. (Tad was a variety named by Carolyn Male for seed saver and amateur breeder Tad Smith - it is the result of an effort to get a Tigerella type striping on large fruit with a bicolor interior. He started with a cross that included Old German with Tigerella. Tad ended up being a medium sized, nearly round yellow fruit with distinct gold stripes. It is nearly certain that Tad is indeed the source of the striped characteristic of the crossed Brandywine seed.)
  • No commercial sources were noted for 2004 in the Garden Seed Inventory 6th edition, but it is now available from a number of commercial vendors.
  • This variety first appeared in SSE 2002 Yearbook, listed by both Craig LeHoullier and Larry Bohs of NC (NC BO L), who helped Craig in stabilizing it. BO L), who helped Craig in stabilizing it.
Leafpotato +
Maturitylate +
Member codeB.C KO T +, IL LO N +, MI FL J + and TX GU R +
RelatedLittle Lucky + and Lucky Cross X Cherokee Chocolate +
Seed source1. Mireille Blais, Quebec, Canada 07
2. Jeff Fleming of Augusta, Michigan (MI FL J) 08 (germination failure)
3. Rob Gee, Ohio 09
4. Darrel Jones, Alabama 13 / Craig LeHoullier of Raleigh, North Carolina (NC LE C) (crossed seed)
Variety typeopen-pollinated +
VendorTatiana's TOMATObase Seeds +, Gleckler Seedmen +, Tomato Growers Supply +, TomatoFest +, Sand Hill Preservation Center +, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds +, Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie +, J&L Gardens Seed +, The Sample Seed Shop +, Trade Winds Fruit +, Delectation of Tomatoes +, Knapp's Fresh Vegies +, Double Helix Farms + and Gourmet Seed International +
Year grown2008(1 +, 2) +, 2010(3) +, 2013(4 - crossed) + and 2014(1 +
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